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When she finished sucking him off, he made her lower head even more and he moved his cock over the top of her blonde head. The tip of his cock still had sperm stains ejaculating. He started squeezing his cock until all the remaining sperms from his tip that needed to come out, started pouring all over her blonde hair and then he put a chin on her jaw and let the rest of it squirt all over her beautiful face.Tina's face was covered in Latino juice."I think you really good now Tina," Jose making fun of his girlfriend.Jose got up from where he sat."I want you to lie face down on the bed!" ordered Jose."Yes Don!!" a smiling Tina replied with cum stains on both her blonde hair and her face.Tina got up, climbed over the bed and lied faced-down. Jose had plans for her tonight. He was going to do something that she had denied to him — her small tight ass. He did not want to do it to her while she was on all fours as her ass would be able to balance it and his cock would feel no pleasure at. Fuck me good. MMmmmmmm your cock feels so good in me." She knew how much dirty talk turns me on and was milking it for all it was worth.I was getting into it, getting close to cumming, and moving pretty fast in and out of her hot pussy. Her right foot slipped from my shoulder and those heavenly toes brushed against my jaw. I instantly moaned at the pleasure of her sexy foot coming so close to my lips. I had to slow down to prolong the pleasure.She picked up on it right away, with one orgasm ahead of me she was thinking clearly, putting together little moments from our whole dating history. Stares that lasted a little too long. Complements that were too perceptive to a pedicure or new shoe. Her eyes sparkled and she moaned, "Yesss, baby that's it , fuck me." She took her foot and deliberately ran it down my shoulder onto my chest. My reaction was immediate. I started to shake and moan. She took her big toe and started to trace it along my chest and up on to my face.She was loving it..
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